Abu Dhabi Police signs charters for Plan 2057

ABU DHABI, 16th November, 2017 (WAM) -- Abu Dhabi Police signed two agreements and two charters to support its ‘Future Police 1957-2057’ plan at the Armed Forces Officers Club in the capital on Thursday.
On Wednesday, Abu Dhabi Police launched a series of strategic initiatives under the theme, ‘Future Police 1957-2057,’ which will be implemented in the lead-up to its 100th anniversary.
The police also demonstrated a 600-kg police drone ambulance, hydrogen-run patrol vehicles, geographical maps vehicles (world's first police auto-driving operations room), first 3D printing police station, and other artificial intelligence, AI, innovations.
Major General Maktoum Al Sharifi, Director-General of Abu Dhabi Police, signed the ''Future Policeman Charter,'' which sets out governance standards for the force's mission to harness artificial intelligence and adopt proactive thinking in security work as part of its quest to become one of the best police organisations in the world.
''The Future Policeman's mandate is to work towards creating a community that is free of crimes and responsive to these crimes building on global transformations and enablers,'' the Charter says.
The Future Policeman will also explore emerging technologies consistent with the UAE strategies for the 4th industrial revolution, space exploration and post-oil era.
Major General Al Sharifi also inked the Charter of Ethics for research and programmes on artificial intelligence to fall in line with the government's trends to build a smart, proactive and sustainable community. Under the Charter, Abu Dhabi Police will observe the humanitarian and ethical standards in AI research and programme.
The Abu Dhabi Police chief also witnessed the signing of two agreements. The first with Digi Robotics, a provider of robotics and automation solutions, to put the force's strategy on new technology into action and reality, and the other with Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company PJSC (Masdar) to establish Abu Dhabi Police innovation laboratories in Masdar City, the world’s most sustainable eco-city.