Abu Dhabi to host WorldSkills Asia 2020

ABU DHABI, 30th November, 2018 (WAM) -- Abu Dhabi will be the host city of the second World Skills Asia Abu Dhabi 2020, announced the WorldSkills Asia General Assembly following its meeting in Abu Dhabi, on Friday.
The Abu Dhabi Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, ACTVET, organised the first WorldSkills Asia Competition at the Abu Dhabi International Exhibition Centre from 27th to 29th November.
Mubarak Saeed Al Shamsi, ACTVET Director-General and Chairman of the Asia Skills Organisation, presided over the meeting which was attended by officials and technical representatives of the WorldSkills Asia Organisation; Ali Mohammed Al Marzouqi, Head of the Emirates Skills, and Fahr Al Suwaidi, Executive Director of Asia Skills.
Al Shamsi said this remarkable achievement would not have been possible without the direct support by the UAE leadership.
''The latest achievement reinforces the UAE's leading global standing,'' he stated.
He added that member states of the organisation confirmed that Abu Dhabi deserves to be the capital of skills for continents of the world.
He said the first WorldSkills Asia Abu Dhabi was ''successful".
WorldSkills Asia is a non-profit member association established in 2017, with a secretariat based in Abu Dhabi. WorldSkills Asia joins member countries from all around Asia and aims at promoting excellence in the field of skills and competencies development for Asian youth.
It also raises awareness of the importance of professional excellence and high-quality vocational education and training for Asia youth and economies and works within the four focus areas of Promoting Skills, Education and Training, International Cooperation and Skills Competitions.