FCA to officially launch UAE Customs Gateway

FCA to officially launch UAE Customs Gateway

ABU DHABI, 27th October, 2020 (WAM) -- The Federal Customs Authority, FCA, has officially launched UAE Customs Gateway, a unified window comprising all systems adopted by FCA.

Mainly, the Gateway activates communications with partners and users and enables them to complete their operations and tasks as swiftly as possible through unified access feature in line with best International practices quality.

Ali Saeed Matar Alneyadi, Commissioner of Customs - Chairman of FCA, highlighted in a press release on this occasion, that launching Emirates Customs Gateway crystallises how far the Authority is keen to fulfil digital electronic transformation needs, UAE smart government enablers and the principles of UAE vision 2021. This is in addition to enabling system users from government and local customs departments complete their transactions swiftly through a unified window comprising all systems.

While current Gateway users, from the Authority, government entities and local customs departments amount to 652, the coming years are expected to witness folds of such user numbers coinciding with launching the new systems given the Gateway is electronically integrated with 25 government entities across the country.

Early in 2020, working on the Gateway had commenced by integrating applicable customs systems under the Gateway on three phases where it currently accommodates six systems namely, e-statistics, electronic set-off, customs duties direct transfer among GCC countries, customs circulations, cash sums declarations and statistical integration.

Ali Saeed Alneyadi added that the Authority has developed a prospective plan to develop the Gateway including modern technology implementation to leverage the efficiency of the system, and developing its performance constantly, implementing a dashboard feature that analyses systems of big data and abstracts data in the form of dynamic charts that generate reports directly. Furthermore, a user can avail the same in customs risks management where new systems are set to be added on the Gateway soon as e-TIR system and smart inspection system.

The E-statistics system captures non-oil foreign trade statistics whether direct trade, free zones, customs warehouses or transit. The system is fed by statistics through seven local customs departments to benefit 25 government and private institutions. The system contains 15 million statistics record pool through which 24 monthly reports are generated on direct trade and free zones trade in addition to 140 annual statistics report addressing a wide range of trade items.

When it comes to customs circulation system, it represents a database for all circulations issued by federal government entities and supervisory institutions in the country to prevent, restrict or lift the import or export banning of commodities or other customs procedure. Since 2013 to date, the system captured 304 circulations. It is linked to 11 government entities.

Developing the e-set-off system was triggered early January 2003 to finalise customs clearance procedures and collect customs duties imposed on imported goods at the first entry point in any GCC country. Moreover, the principle of re-distributing collected customs duties in all GCC customs ports based on the final destination of imported goods when transported to any other GCC country has been approved.

As regards the cash sums declaration system, it serves as a cash sums database, including currencies, holder’s negotiable financial instruments, precious metals and valuable stones in an adult traveller’s possession from and to the country if their value exceeds AED60,000. The number of cash sums declaration state-wise represented 44,641 in 2019.