Achieving Emiratisation targets conditional to employing Emiratis in skilled jobs: MoHRE
ABU DHABI, 7th December, 2022 (WAM)-- The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) affirmed on Wednesday that the UAE Cabinet Resolution, which was announced in May 2022, on increasing the rate of Emirati employees by 2 percent in the private sector companies with more than 50 employees, is conditional to employing them in skilled jobs.
"The ministry is closely monitoring the Emiratisation - related procedures, which companies are following as well as the types of jobs they are offering to UAE nationals. However, we stress that for companies to achieve the Emiratisation targets, it is necessary that they employ Emiratis in skilled job," the ministry said in its official Twitter account today.
"By January 2023, non-compliant companies that fail to achieve the Emiratisation targets will face fines" the ministry added.